
HERO: Week of 03.16

Status Report - HERO: Week of 03.16

Posted:March 16, 2014
Looking East Towards Downtown

I continued to work on the model for making background images this past week. There was a lot of minutiae added and revised and updated. More streetlights have been rolled out to major intersections and minor intersections have gotten triangular 止まれ (tomare) stop signs. Utility poles have also started to sprout up to carry power lines across the peninsula. Other items in this category that will come in the following weeks are street lights, corner mirrors, trash cans, benches, vending machines, and the other details that spread across the urban environment.

Transit Hub Looking South

While these items are filling up the landscape, I will be roughly framing in major locations that require interior as well as exterior designs. In addition to the school and dormitory, there are a number of homes that belong to the main characters and sites like Shizen Shrine and Fenian Robotics Industrial Complex that need work.

All images are unrendered, raw SketchUp models.
