
HERO: Week of 01.18

Status Report - HERO: Week of 01.18

Posted:January 18, 2015

This past week I finished updating the 2D map to properly represent what is depicted in the 3D model. There are still some major things that need to be added to the model that can be seen at the scale of the map, so I'm not quite ready to roll those updates to the online version yet. On the 3D model itself, I finished what I planned to do with the cemetery at this time. I then spent some time making a few changes so that the models matched each other. Because of the scale of the model, the regions that require more detail have been forked to separate models. There were a few changes made in the development of the school model and the downtown model that I rolled over back to the main model. I then got back into working on the downtown model that contains the shopping district. I assigned tenants to the remainder of the unoccupied buildings and started adding detail.

Downtown Shopping District

Like last week, I continued to revise my design documentation. It's all been updated aside from the largest chunk, the outline of events. I have what loosely happens from day to day, but I need to spend some weeks outlining each day with its required scenes. That has already been done for Act 1, but it needs refining and revising. Then we'll move forward doing the same for each character arc in Acts 2-4. The reasoning for this is to ease when writing the script. When I know what needs to happen during each day, I can spend my writing time doing the all important details without getting halted by wondering what needs to happen next.

All images are unrendered, raw SketchUp models.
